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Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation

«Our country was always famous for its inventors. We must save up the unique innovative capital which has been accumulated by generations of talented Russian
scientists, engineers, designers. Hundreds of discoveries are waiting for their hour, they are to be implemented into manufacture to make the Russian technical products competitive. Here again the priority is given to ensuring due protection of industrial property objects - patents, industrial samples, trade marks and certificates.
I am convinced, that the Salon "Archimedes" that has collected visitors from Russia and other states, becomes a well-timed and important impulse for modernization of national economy … »
Francis Gurry
Director General of WIPO

«It is a great pleasure for me to welcome, on behalf of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) the participants and the organizers of the XXIII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and
Innovation Technologies — Archimedes 2020 conducted in the Russian Federation to promote inventions and innovations.
The Russian Federation has always been known for its outstanding innovations and technologies, which contributed to the Russian Federation's status as one of the leading countries in the world. This country gave to the world many universally known inventors. The Russian Federation retains its high positions in the world in the field of breakthrough inventions.
WIPO fully supports the activities of the Russian Federation to promote the innovative activity in the country and its desire to maintain the status of one of the biggest economies in the world in terms of patent filing. This aim can be achieved through technological development and continuous progress in research and development. Adoption of new technologies and introduction of inventions into the society's everyday life can also contribute to this goal.
Let me wish the organizers of the Salon every success in the important task of promoting creativity and innovation in the Russian Federation.
I am confident that the excellent cooperation between WIPO and the Russian Federation will only become stronger in the years to come».

Alireza Rastegar
IFIA President
IFIA President Message
Dear IFIA Members, Inventors, Innovators and Researchers Russian inventors have contributed generously to the development of global scientific thought. Many of their inventions have literally transformed the world, enabling us to enjoy such blessings of civilization as aircraft, cars, computers, and television.
The annual Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies “Archimedes” was established in 1998 and is the largest world forum that includes: an exhibition of inventions, industrial samples, trademarks, utility models, conferences, training actions under the general name “University of the inventor”, venture fairs, contests, presentations of national projects and technologies presented from all industrially developed countries of the world.
IFIA invites all members, inventors, innovators and researchers to participate in the XXIV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”, which will take place from 23rd to 26th of March 2021 in Moscow, in exhibition halls of Hotel “Cosmos”!
The main aims of the “Archimedes” Salon are stimulation of inventive, patent-licensing, and innovative activities, development of the market for the results of intellectual activity, assistance in the promotion of new products and services.
IFIA offers its unconditional support to “Archimedes 2021” due to its underlying concept of disseminating the culture of invention and innovation nationally and internationally which as is in parallel with IFIA's mandate.
Finally, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to the organizing committee of the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies for creating this opportunity for the inventors and innovators worldwide.
I hope all participants will enjoy this great event.
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The plan of exhibition events organized by the International Innovation Club "Archimedes" with the support of the Moscow City Organization of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators (MGO VOIR) and the Committee for Inventive, Rationalization and Patent and Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises"
1) XXV International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "ARCHIMED"
1.1 International Exhibition-Competition of Trademarks "Trademark LEADER"
1.2 International Scientific and Practical Conference
Date: 29-31 March 2022
Location: Congress and Exhibition Center of the Hotel Complex "Cosmos",
Moscow, Russia
2) Organization of the participation of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the 64th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Industrial Design
Date: May 24-27, 2022
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
3) Organization of the participation of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the International Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions (2022 AII American DAVINCI International Innovation and Invention Expo)
Date: Aug 2022
Location: Cedar City, USA
4) Organization of the participation of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products in the Youth Patent Incubation Exhibition "One Belt, One Road" (2022 Smart China Expo - The Belt and Road Youth Patent Incubation Exhibition)
Date: Aug 2022
Location: Chongqing, People's Republic of China
5) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the XVIII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New Time"
Date: September 29-October 1, 2022
Location: Sevastopol, Russia
6) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventions and manufacturers of innovative products at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions "INOVA"
Date: 12-14 October 2022
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
7) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the IV Global Invention Forum in Cyprus
Date: 18-19 October 2022
Location: Limassol, Cyprus
8) Organization of participation of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products in the International Innovation & Invention Competition
Date: November 2022
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
9) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the International Exhibition of Inventions "IIDC 2022"
Date: December 2022
Location: Hong Kong, People's Republic of China
10) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the International Exhibition of Inventions "SIIF-2022"
Date: December 2022
Location: Seoul, Republic of Korea
11) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the Kaohsiung International Invention & Design Expo
Date: December 2022
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
12) Organization of a collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products at the Indian International Innovation & Invention Expo "INEX 2022"
Date: December 2022
Location: Hyderabad, India