Trademarks Online Catalogue
Was founded in Moscow in 1992. By Goncharov A.Y. in cooperation with the collective body of scientists and specialists. Now here is accommodated the head office of a group of companies "Alexander Electric" and a pilot production. The series production was started on the base of LLC "Alexander Electric Don" in Voronezh in 1999...
Was set up under Decree 158C of the President of the Russian Federation 'On the Establishment of the Almazy Rossii-Sakha Joint Stock Company' signed on 19 February 1992. It is Russia's largest diamond company engaged in exploration, mining, manufacture and sales of diamonds and one of the world's major rough diamond producers.
Preprint preparation and edition of journals of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation "The Army Collections", "The Military Idea", "The Military-Historical Journal".
The Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity "Archimedes" is the executive body of the largest in the world and only in Russia, the International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes".
The Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity "Archimedes" is the executive body of the largest in the world and only in Russia, the International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes".
Athena is an international, for-profit, high technology, business incubator based in Cyprus. Through its infrastructure, provision of value added services, close ties with VCs and access to funds, AHTI steers its tenant companies operationally and strategically, to accelerate their development and drive them to sustained, profitable growth.
The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Research and Production Enterprise "Bazalt" founded in 1938 as an independent organization is one of recognized world leaders in designing and developing all types of aircraft bombs, anti-tank and anti-saboteur marine grenade launcher complexes, mortar shells of all types and calibers and other kinds of ammunition.
Limited Liability Company "Scientific-Production Enterprise Of Dergachov" SPE D) for about 15 years has been successfully developing and producing high-reliability systems and assemblies for passenger cars that meet safety requirements of railway traffic, of resource saving and of import replacement.
he union of inventors of Zagreb (Croatia) renders assistance to inventors in patenting of inventions and their implementation into production.
Limited Liability Company "Scientific-Production Enterprise Of Dergachov" SPE D) for about 15 years has been successfully developing and producing high-reliability systems and assemblies for passenger cars that meet safety requirements of railway traffic, of resource saving and of import replacement.
The list of goods and/or services, on which the trade mark is registered:
07 - electric motors, Engine controlling devices;
09 - electrical controlling devices;
12 - electromotors and power lines for ground transport vehicles;
37 - maintenance service;
42 - engineering and technical development.
World Fair for Mold making and Tooling, Design and Application Development “EUROMOLD” is large international exhibition of new technologies from design to serial production.
The Bulgarian EWEI (East - West Euro Intellect) is an Exhibition and a Market of ideas, inventions, innovations, research projects and industrial property in all fields of science and technology.
Newspaper publishes the price-reviews and price-forecasts on different groups 0f goods, supply and demand-analises of the situation on russian regional markets, elucidates situation and urgent problems of modern business.
"Ekonomicheskaya gazeta for businessmen" is a russian colour edition, issued by the Publishing House "Ekonomicheskaya gazeta".
The journal "Expert" is a commercial project which is not receiving either grants or sponsor's fees, it creates relations with investors and creditors exclusively on market principles.
Moscow company "Farmacon Co" develops and manufactures elite curative-prophylactic cosmetics intended for a wide circle of customers.
The Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent) is the federal and executive body having the authority to grant, register and support in the territory of Russia the exclusive rights to inventions, utility models, trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin, computer programs, databases, and topographies of integrated circuits, as well as to register owners of these rights.
A South Korean Company producing world known food additives from natural raw materials.
The monthly for inventors and rationalizers - one of the oldest (published since 1929), over 100 diversified technical novelties at invention level are published in each issue.
Unique Russian journal dedicated investments, innovations and objects of intellectual property.
Scientific popular journal "Engineer" is issued once a month and is published since 1882.
The largest in the world exhibition of inventions, is a unique exposition at which are presented all kinds of inventions, new kinds of products and innovations that can be introduced in industry and in commerce. Exhibits in various categories are presented at the exhibition.
They are assignees of the journal "Problems of invention activities" the first number of which was published in 1957.
The Monthly Journal Of The Russian Union Of Industrialists And Businessmen Issued Since May 1999
The mission of the journal consists in support of processes aimed at revival of national economy, business world of Russia, establishing communications between industrialists and businessmen.
The Monthly Journal Of The Russian Union Of Industrialists And Businessmen Issued Since May 1999
The mission of the journal consists in support of processes aimed at revival of national economy, business world of Russia, establishing communications between industrialists and businessmen.
The JIII was originally established under the name of "Association for the Protection of industrial Property" on May 5, 1904, both by Mr. Keigo Kiyoura, the them Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, and by Mr. Kinya Kume the then Director General of the Patent Office, for the purpose of developing and safeguarding industrial property.
An annual exhibition held in Tokyo at which inventions in the sphere of high technologies are presented. The exhibition organizer is the institute of doctor NakaMats.
A Japanese company will facilitate in realization and introduction in Japan and other countries of patents, licenses, R & D developments and inventions.
Association of inventors of the Republic of Korea, which organizes and conducts the international exhibition of inventions in Seoul.
stablished in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1934, the aircraft production association manufactured aircraft designed by the famous Russian designers, Andrei Tupolev, Sergei Iliushin, Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich (who always worked in tandem), and Pavel Sukhoi. The last-named, in fact, made the enterprise familiar around the world as manufacturer of fighting aircraft, in particular, the SU-7 and SU-17 fighter-bombers, forming the striking core of the air force in Russia and many other countries.
Established in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1934, the aircraft production association manufactured aircraft designed by the famous Russian designers, Andrei Tupolev, Sergei Iliushin, Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich (who always worked in tandem), and Pavel Sukhoi.
Open Joint Stock Company "Klutchansky Spirits-Producing Distillery" possesses a certificate for the trademark "Kolesnik".
Industrially produced deliveries of preparations for automobiles, road-building machines, motorized vehicles, for motor and automobile plants, for manufacturing enterprises.
The latest auto security system in the series of original mechanical devices. Anti-steal system "Lion's paw" is similar in construction to the system "Lion's claw", but has an extra safe lock.
May Company is Russia's leading tea and coffee producer. Since 1991, our tea brands: Maisky and Lisma have been among the drinks of choice for millions of people.
Edition On Metallurgy And Technology Of Processing Ferrous And Non-Ferrous And Special Metals And Alloys
Regular informational and analytical journal "Russian science and industry" publishes the material, related with development of industry and applied sciences of Russia, forecasting of economic environment and scientific-and-engineering researches, efficient organizational management etc.
For over 7 years the enterprise Close Joint Stock Company "KB Navigator" has been engaged in creation of radiocontrol systems.
In October, 2002 we marked 275 years of the academic book publishing in Russia.
The union of industrialists, inventors and rationalizers (Lublin, Poland) renders assistance to inventors and rationalizers in patenting of inventions and new technologies and their implementation into production.
"Red October" today is:
an entire aromatic kingdom situated in the very center of Moscow covering the area of about 6 hectares;
production capacities for the production of more then 60 thousand tons of confectionery - hard-boiled sweets, candies, chocolate, toffee, cocoa powder, nuts, halffinished chocolate products;
a wide range of products including more than 500 types of confectionery;
Insurance, financing activities, credit-money operations
The limited liability company "Firm "RIK-S" is a building company which since 1995 is successfully operating on the market of building and engineering services.
The Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent) is the federal and executive body having the authority to grant, register and support in the territory of Russia the exclusive rights to inventions, utility models, trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin, computer programs, databases, and topographies of integrated circuits, as well as to register owners of these rights.
Open Joint Stock Company "Scientific-Production Enterprise "SAPFIR (OJSC "NPP "Sapfir") has a 40-year experience in development and series production of a wide range of science-intensive electronic devices and complex functional devices on their base.
Saturn is a machine-building company for design and production of gas turbomachinery for the Air Force and Navy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commercial aviation, fuel and power complex of Russia.
Design and production of gas-turbine aircraft engines for Russian military aviation is one of NPO Saturn’s main activities.
Design and production of gas-turbine aircraft engines for Russian military aviation is one of NPO Saturn’s main activities.
NPO Saturn is the founder of Russian snowmobile production. For 30 years more than 200 000 snowmobiles were produced. The most popular are Buran, Ikar, Bars, Arctica and their modifications.
Regular informational and analytical journal "Russian science and industry" publishes the material, related with development of industry and applied sciences of Russia, forecasting of economic environment and scientific-and-engineering researches, efficient organizational management etc.
JSC "Severstal" is an integrated Iron&Steel works with a wide range of products: hot and cold rolled steel, roll-formed shapes and pipes, rolled sections, a large group of coke products and by-products.
JSC "Severstal" is an integrated Iron&Steel works with a wide range of products: hot and cold rolled steel, roll-formed shapes and pipes, rolled sections, a large group of coke products and by-products.
Monthly of the Moscow union of organizations of veterans of local wars and military conflicts.
Sojuzpatent is one of the leading companies in the Russian Federation in the field of Intellectual Property right's protection.
Sojuzpatent is one of the leading companies in the Russian Federation in the field of Intellectual Property right's protection.
Is one of the largest and effectively operating enterprises of OJSC "Gazprom", the constituent part of the West-Siberian oil-gas complex, performing gas transportation, transportation and processing of gas condensate.
OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "OKB SUKHOI" - a developer of world known combat warplanes of the brand "Su".
OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "OKB SUKHOI" - a developer of world known combat warplanes of the brand "Su".
OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "OKB SUKHOI" - a developer of world known combat warplanes of the brand "Su".
The history of Tatneft Joint Stock Company goes all the way back to the 1950s and describes the road from the discovery of Romashkinskoye oil field and establishment of a crude oil production trust to the creation and development of a Russia's major vertically integrated crude oil company.
One and the same image of the trademark is protected by three certificates, i.e., the trademark is in effect and the list of products is constantly replenished.
Ltd is specialized in the fieldof remedy elaboration and methods of treatment of the oncological, immunodepending infectious and other diseases.
All-Russian Design and Research Institute of metallurgical machine-building (VNIIMETMASH) has been one of the leading Russian enterprises for creation of a wide range of machine-building products for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, aero-space complex, power-engineering, transport vehicles, oil and gas industry and many other industries for over 50 years.
The magazine "What's new in science and technology" (founder - Nexion Publishing Inc., USA).
Produces high quality lacquers and paints for use in building, for protection and decoration of wood and metals. As well as paints used in ship-building for protection of ships against corrosion.
Since 1993 there was a metal workshop business "STUBLINA", from 2007 it was created a company "STUBLINA".
Company ZEDER is engaged in the manufacture of anti-theft systems in accordance with world standards.
Tel/fax: (495) 932-28-34
Mobile phone: 8-916-750-94-78
E-mail: teterina_t@bk.ru
Web-site: http://colortherapy.ru