IIC Archimedes Charter
Application form
International Innovation Club "Archimedes" renders to its Members
the following kinds of services:
- Annual participation in the Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes";
- Annual participation in the International Conference on the matters related to the intellectual (industrial) property;
- Participation in the seminars on the innovations-related subjects inland and abroad;
- Participation in the joint exposition of the Club "Archimedes" at various Russian and foreign industrial exhibitions and fairs;
- Participation in international contests and programs;
- Rendering of assistance in the obtaining of patents for inventions and registration of trademarks;
- Assistance in the establishing of business relations between inventors, manufacturers and investors;
- Assistance in the carrying-out of scientific research works on innovation-related subjects;
- Rendering of assistance in the promotion of trademarks (branded production and services) inland and abroad;
- Assistance in drawing up and legal guidance of licensing agreements including foreign contracts;
- Promotion of the most promising innovation projects on the market;
- Opportunity of privileged subscription to the periodicals of the consolidated edition of the journals "Intellectual Property" (www.intelpress.ru);
- Design and printing services;
- Opportunity of preparation and publication of research-and-production information in various mass media;
- Photography and video filming of various events and research-and-production processes;
- Assistance in winning of international grants, prizes and award production;
- Organization and conducting of business meeting between the Club Members in different regions;
- Rendering of assistance in conducting of events on innovation-related subjects;
- Rendering of professional legal assistance to legal entities in economic disputes, including protection against unfair competition inland and abroad;