The Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies "Archimedes".
The annual Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies "Archimedes” was established in 1998 and is the largest world forum that includes:
- exhibition of inventions, industrial samples, trade marks, utility models,
- conferences,
- training actions under the general name "University of the inventor",
- venture fairs,
- contests,
- presentations of national projects and technologies presented from all industrially developed countries of the world.
The president of Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies "Archimedes" is - Zezyulin Dmitry Ivanovich

At present time Salon "Archimedes" partners are:
In Russia:
The Department of science and industrial policy and entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow
Ministry of industry and trade of RF
Ministry of defense of RF
Ministry of economic development of RF
The Ministry of Education and Science of RF
Federal service on intellectual property;
Moscow city organization of the all-Russian society of inventors and rationalizers
All-Russia society of inventors and rationalizers
Russian Engineering union
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RF
Moscow chamber of Commerce and Industry
Russian Association of owners of trademarks (RAVTOZ)
Euroasian Patent Organization
“Soyuzpatent”, ltd
Congress-exhibition centre "Sokolniki"
The British society of inventors (Great Britain)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Helix Business Incubator, Ltd (Cyprus)
The Korean association of promotion of inventions
Association of inventors of Zagreb (Croatia)
Association of inventors and rationalizers of Poland
Association of inventors of the Peoples Republic of China
The Taiwan association of the international winners in the field of innovations
The Japanese Institute of Innovations and Inventions
The Chinese society of innovations and inventions.
Association of inventors of the Republic Taiwan
Association of inventors of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo)
Association of inventors of Australia (South Australia)
Firm "Glami" (Korea)
The state agency on intellectual property of the Republic Moldova (AGEPI),
Salon of inventions and new products INPEX (USA)
The world Forum of Geniuses (Japan)
Salon of inventions Euromold (Germany)
Salon of inventions Tesla-Fest and Association of inventors Vojvodina (Serbia)
International institute Rasha (Iran)
"INVENTOR", LTD (Poland)
The company "Innovexpo" is the owner of the trade mark Archimedes Archimedes the Trade mark (service mark) №185612
We are proud of our realized projects:
'Scientific-technical potential of the Eastern administrative district (Moscow, 1997)
"I-XV Moscow International Salon of intellectual property "Archimedes" (1998-2008, annually)
Exhibition of scientific-technical creativity devoted to the "World Forum of Mayors of Cities"(1999)
Scientific-technical potential of the Eastern administrative district" (2000)
"Moscow-Ryazan - Business partners" (2000)
"Intellectual property Russia" (2001) (Moscow)
Exhibition-contest "Energy-resource-saving-2001" (Moscow)
"Inventions and scientific discoveries in the XXIst century (Cyprus Republic, 2002, 2004)
1 Russian Youth Convent (Moscow, 2008)
1 Russian-British forum of inventions and innovation technologies (London, 2013)
The Salon "Archimedes" management has organized expositions of Russian inventors and industrialists in the course of the Days of Moscow in Nicosia, in Berlin, in Salzburg, in Seoul, in Laos, the Days of Russian Federation in Great Britain, Armenia, Byelorussia.
We have organized collective expositions of Russian inventors at the Salons of innovations and inventions in Belgium, the USA, France, Japan, Korea, Japan, India, the Great Britain, Bulgaria, Latvia, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Taiwan.
Annually at the Salon "Archimedes" are held the following contests:
«The best invention of the Salon «Archimedes»
«The best industrial sample of the Salon «Archimedes»
«The best invention in interests of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation»
«The best invention in interests of protection of the law and order»
«The best invention in interests of protection, rescue and safety of the person»
«The best invention of STCY (scientific-technical creativity of youth)»
«The best invention in interests of the aerospace industry»
«The best information partner of Salon" Archimedes "
«The best invention in interests of the road branch»
«The best inventor of Moscow»
«The best innovation project of Moscow»
«The innovative potential of young people of Moscow»
«The best innovation project in interests of the building industry of Moscow»
«The best innovation project in interests of the housing and communal services of Moscow»
«The best project in interests of the agricultural complex of the Russian Federation»
The international exhibition-contest of trade marks and names of places of goods origin «Trade mark - LEADER»
- Region cup «For active work on development of invention and rationalization activities in the Region»
Specialists of the Salon "Archimedes" have developed and published:
- 18 catalogues on scientific-technical creativity;
- 11 CD (video encyclopedia of the "Archimedes")
- 5 documentary films devoted to invention activities
- Methodical materials on organization and realization of patent-licence and inventor-rationalizer work at enterprises and in organizations.
- We have prepared the data base for 15000 perspective scientific-technical samples of industrial property.
The management of the Salon "Archimedes" prepared and organized collective stands of Russian inventors at exhibitions.
Thanks to activities of the Salon "Archimedes" more than 20000 inventions have been demonstrated at Russian and foreign exhibitions.
Participants and attendees of exhibitions and Salons "Archimedes" have concluded contracts on realization of objects of industrial property amounting to over 450 mln. USD.
At present time the Salon "Archimedes" together with its Russian and foreign partners is beginning a new program for promotion of Russian objects of industrial property onto world markets. Principal trend of this program is organization of topical contests in interests of various ministries and agencies.
Awards of the Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property"Archimedes":
Grand prix of the Salon of Inventions EWEI, Bulgaria, 1998
Grand prix of the Salon of Inventions INOST, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1998
A Gold medal from the Association of inventors of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1998
A Gold medal of the Salon of Inventions EWEI, Bulgaria, 1999
A Gold medal of the International Salon of Inventions "Concourse Lepin", France, 1999
Grand prix of the 14th World Forum of Geniuses, Japan, 2000
Grand prix of the greatest American show of inventions INPEX, USA, 2000
A Diploma of honour of the exhibition Municipal Services-2000, Russia, 2000
Grand prix of the Association of inventors of Yugoslavia, 2000
A Diploma of honour of the of the Ministry of industry, science and technologies of the Russian Federation, 2001
Grand prix from the company "GLAMI", Republic of Korea, 2001
A Diploma of honour of the Interclub "Friends of Bavaria', 2001
A Diploma of honour of the international universal exhibition "Resources, ideas. Technologies - a look into EXPO-2010", Russia, 2002
Grand prix of the Salon of Inventions EWEI, Bulgaria, 2002
Grand prix from the Moscow Department of science and industrial policy, 2002
A Gold medal of the Seoul international fair of inventions, Korea, 2002
A Diploma of honour of the Russian-Cyprus Forum "Inventions and scientific discoveries in the XXIst century", Cyprus, 2002
A Diploma of honour from the Mayor administration of Moscow, 2002
A Diploma of honour of the exhibition-fair Regions of Russia, 2003
A Diploma of honour of the IXth Moscow industrial exhibition-fair, Russia, 2003
A Diploma of honour from the Committee for family and youth affairs of the Moscow Government, EXPO-NAUKA, Russia, 2003
Grand prix from the Association of inventors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003
Grand prix from the National institute of inventions, Romania, 2003
Grand prix from the company GLAMI of R.O.K., 2003
A Diploma of honour from the national institute of science and culture of the Republic of Romania, 2003
A Diploma of honour from the Moscow Department of science and industrial policy, 2003
A Letter of thanks from the Centre of scientific-cognitive leisure for children "Little and quick-witted", 2004
A Gold medal of the Salon of Inventions Brussels-Eureka, Belgium, 2004
Grand prix from the Salon of inventions EWEI, Bulgaria, 2004
A Gold medal of the Salon of Inventions EWEI, Bulgaria, 2004
A Diploma of honour from the Russian association of goods' manufacturers, 2004
A Diploma of honour from the Mayor administration of Moscow, 2004
A Certificate of the World Intellectual Property Organization, 2005
Grand prix from the Association of inventors of Romania, 2005
A Gold medal from the Forum of inventors of Romania, 2005
A Diploma of honour from the Ministry of education and Technical University of the Republic of Moldova, 2005
A Special prize from the prefecture of the Eastern administrative district of Moscow, 2005
Grand prix of the greatest American Salon of inventions INPEX, USA, 2005
A Certificate of the VI Exhibition-Review of intellectual property of the Eastern administrative district of Moscow, 2005
Grand prix from the patent offices Eric Hanscom, USA, 2005
A Certificate of achievements from patent offices Eric Hanscom, USA, 2005
A Diploma of honour of the XI Moscow Industrial exhibition-fair, 2005
A Gold medal of the international salon of new technologies "New time', Ukraine, 2005
Grand prix from the agency of economic development, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 2005, 2006
A Gold medal of the international festival of innovations Tesla Fest, Serbia, 2005
Grand prix of the international exhibition of inventions "Innowacja', Poland, 2005
A Gold medal of the international exhibition of inventions "INOVA", Croatia, 2005
Grand prix of the international exhibition of inventions "INOVA", Croatia, 2005
A Special prize from the Association of inventors of Zagreb, Croatia, 2005
A Diploma and thanks for active participation in holding the Russian national exhibition in the Republic of Armenia; Yerevan, December, 2005
A Diploma of honour of the World organization of intellectual property (WOIP), Switzerland, Geneva, 12 October 2005
A Diploma of the Ministry of Defence of RF, 2004-2005
A Diploma of the National exhibition of young inventors IRIS, India, Delhi, December 2006
A Diploma of honour of the World organization of intellectual property (WOIP), Switzerland, March 2007
A Prize and Diploma of honour of the Rasha International Company (Islamic Republic of Iran), March 2007
A Prize and diploma from the Patent office of the Moldova republic, March, 2007
A Special prize and Diploma of honour of the Russian Academy of sciences, March, 2007
A Diploma of the Department of science and industrial policy of Moscow, March 2007
A Diploma of honour of the Moscow Mayor Y.M. Luzhkov, March 2007
Grand prix of the contest "Trademark Leader 2007"
3 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals for participation at the Taipei international exhibition of inventions and technical fair (2007) - Taipei International Invention Show&Technomart)
Grand prix of the international salon of invention, researches and a transfer of technologies "INVENTICA", Romania, 2008, 2010
A Gold medal of the international salon of invention, researches and transfer of technologies "INVENTICA", Romania, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2010б, 2011б, 2012.
A Diploma of honour of the Moscow government for active participation at the exhibition “Lanour protection in Moscow-2008”
A Diploma of honour of the International exhibition “Eco clean and safe products”, Moscow, 2008
A Certificate of honour of CC VOIR to Kurakina T. P., employee of the Center VOIR for large personal contribution into development of mass technical creativity, its propagation and assistance in use of inventions and rationalization proposals
A Diploma of the International Salon of inventions and new technologies "New Time" (Sevastopol, Ukraine)
Diplomas of the International Salon of Industrial Property Archimedes-2008, 2009
A Diploma of participant of the 14th Moscow Industrial Exhibition
A Diploma of participant of the exhibition Eco clean and safe products, 2009.
Diploma of the Taiwan association of promotion of inventions, 2008.
A Diploma of the Moldova Patent Agency, 2008.
A Diploma to the gold medal of the Institute of transfer of innovations and technologies ®INVENTICA
, Romania, 2008.
A Certificate of honour of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Sergeyeva O. V., employee of Center VOIR for the contribution into organization of innovation activity and propagation of the newest inventions, RAS, 2008.
A Diploma to the gold medal “For the development and active use of the trade mark "Archimedes", 2009.
A Letter of gratitude to Zezyulin D.I. - from the Russian Union of Youth 2008., 2009.
A Diploma “Honorary member of the society” - CC VOIR - Zezyulin D. I. for active and fruitful work in development of inventor activities in Russian Federation
A Prize of the Agency of economic development of Sevastopol to D.I. Zezyulin for the “Method and organization of innovation structure "Archimedes"
A Letter of gratitude of the Prefect of the Eastern administrative district of Moscow to Zezyulin D. I, March 2009.
A Letter of gratitude from the collective of Army corps 43753-C for organization of the exhibition with helpful information for employees, March 2009.
Certificates of honour of the Mayor of the city of Yoshkar Ola for large personal contribution into development of innovation technologies to employees of the Center VOIR.
A Diploma to the gold medal of the International Salon of inventions “New time”, Ukraine, Sevastopol 2009.
A Certificate of the Chief of the department of inventions of Armed forces of the Russian Federation
A Diploma of the Moscow state academy of thin chemical technologies named after of M.V.Lomonosov
A Diploma of the Forum of inventors of Romania EURO INVENT
A Diploma and a special award from the National institute of inventiveness (Romania)
A Diploma of the European exhibition of creativity and innovations (Romania)
A Diploma to the gold medal of the International Salon of inventions “New time” Ukraine, Sevastopol, 2009.
A Diploma of IX Moscow international Salon of innovations and investments for the development of the Internet portal A Innovexpo.ru
A Diploma of IX Moscow international Salon of innovations and investments for the development of the Internet channel about invention activities "Archimedes-TV"
A Diploma “Best Innovation award” of the Taiwan Association of promotion of inventions (INST-2009, Taipei) to Zezyulin D.I., the President of the Salon "Archimedes".
A Letter of gratitude of A. Platonov, Chairman of the Central Committee of RSM to Zezyulin D.I. - for attention and support of talented youth, for the contest “Young talents of Moscow-2009”.
A Certificate of honour of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad Council of VOIR for high level of scientific and technical developments presented at the International festival of inventions Tesla-Fest, Novi Sad, Serbia 2009.
Grand prix of the British show of inventions, March 2009.
A Super prize of the 34th Croatian salon of inventions for five years' work at the exhibition INOVA.
A Gold medal to the International innovation club "ARCHIMEDES" for the development of the Internet exhibition Innovexpo.ru from the 34th Croatian salon of inventions INOVA.
A Diploma of gratitude for the project « Open online exhibition of inventions and innovation technologies «InnovExpo.ru» of the V International Salon of inventions of innovation technologies« New time », Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 2009.
A gratitude to Mr. Zezyulin D.I. for active propagation of technical developments of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation from the Head of the Department of intellectual property of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, April, 2010.
A Diploma of the participant of the X Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, September, 2010.
A Diploma of the exhibition «Labour safety in Moscow» for active participation in solution of problems of labour safety, October, 2010.
A Diploma to Mr. Zezyulin D.I. for assistance and support of inventive activities, scientific and technical creativity, promotion of innovative projects and developments of small enterprises and inventors of the Eastern administrative district from the Prefect of the Eastern administrative district of Moscow, April, 2011.
A Letter of gratitude of the Moscow city organization of VOIR for high level of presented technical projects from the VNII for Emergency situations of the Emercom of Russia, April, 2011.
A special prize from the Croatian Association of inventors, April, 2011.
A special prize from the National institute Inventika, Iassi, Romania, April, 2011.
A special Diploma of the Association of scientists and inventors of the South of Russia, Fund for Social protection and mercy of the academician-surgeon Aishanov S.K. for achievements in scientific and invention activities, April, 2011.
A Diploma of the Federal service on intellectual property, patents and trademarks to Mr. Zezyulin D.I., a member of the Rospatent Scientific-Technical Council, for the high contribution into development of theory and practice of legal protection of objects of intellectual property and in connection with celebration of the Day of intellectual property, April, 2011.
Honorary diploma of the state Assembly of the Republic of Mari El to D. I. Zeziulin for the great personal contribution for the socio-economic and cultural development of innovative activity of the Republic of Mari El, March 2012.
A diploma and a prize from the Association of inventors of Italy, A.N.D.I., June 2012
A Bronze medal of the International innovative conference IIIC-2012. Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2012
A Bronze prize of the Swedish society of inventors for an excellent presentation of inventions at the exhibition SUF-125, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2011.
A diploma «Leader of innovations» from the Intellectual property Association of Malaysia, October 2011.
A Memorable sign «ВЕМО» - reliability, safety, energy efficiency, May, 2012
Grand-Prix of the festival Tesla Fest 2012, October, 2012.
A Gold medal of the Union of inventors of the Republic of Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina, October, 2012
A diploma and prize of the International exhibition of inventors of Latvia MINOX2012 October, 2012
A gratitude to Zezyulin D.I. for the large contribution to development of the modern fine arts of the Russian Federation from the Union of artists of Russia, October, 2012
A diploma of the Union of inventors of Bulgaria for the successful presentation of the project «Color dynamic pictures» at the exhibition «IТI-2012», November 2012
A diploma and prize from the Association of inventors of Bahrain, 2014
A diploma and prize from the Association of inventors of Qatar, 2014
A diploma and gold medal for the large contribution to development of innovations from inventors of Malaysia, 2014
A diploma to the International innovation club "Archimedes" for participation in 59th International exhibition of technics and technical achievements, Belgrade, Serbia, May, 2015
A certificate of honour to the International innovation club “Archimedes” from the Serbian academy of innovative sciences and the gold medal "Michail Pupin", May, 2015
Certificate of Jury to Dmitry Zezyulin for work as a member of International Jury from 2015 International Invention Design Competition
Diploma for substantial activity for promotion of intellectual property and organization the 19th Moscow international Salon of invention and innovative technologies, to Dmitry Zezyulin the President of the Salon «Archimedes» from Croatian Inventors Association and Zagreb Inventors Association.
Special Thanks presented for the International Innovation Club «Archimedes» for all supported to succeeded Egypt Event from The Egyptian Society for women & youth inventor, under the Supervision of The Egyptian Inventors Syndicate
Honorable mention for participation in the international exhibition of technical innovationa, patents and inventions for the International innovation Club "Archimedes"
Diploma of Excellence for The International Innovation Club «Archimedes» from 41st International Invention Show «INOVA», Zagreb, Croatia

Специальный приз Тульского государственного университета для Московской городской организации Всероссийского общества изобретателей и рационализаторов (МГО ВОИР) за выдающиеся достижения в области изобретательства и новых технологий, Салон «Новое Время»

Диплом к специальному призу Тайваньской международной ассоциации лауреатов премии награждается Дмитрий Зезюлин, Президент Салона «Архимед»

Диплом к золотой медали для Международного инновационного клуба «Архимед» Выставка «Изобретения – Белград 2016» за значительный вклад за развитие изобретательства

Diploma for substantial activity for promotion of intellectual property and organization the 19th Moscow international Salon of invention and innovative technologies, to Dmitry Zezyulin the President of the Salon «Archimedes» from Croatian Inventors Association and Zagreb Inventors Association.

Honorable mention for participation in the international exhibition of technical innovationa, patents and inventions for the International innovation Club "Archimedes"

Certificate of Jury to Dmitry Zezyulin for work as a member of International Jury from 2015 International Invention Design Competition

Special Thanks presented for the International Innovation Club «Archimedes» for all supported to succeeded Egypt Event from The Egyptian Society for women & youth inventor, under the Supervision of The Egyptian Inventors Syndicate