International cooperation between Moscow organization of innovators and CNIPA is being expanded
On the 20th of September, 2019 under the implementation of the international project TISCs Moscow organization of innovators was visited by the delegation from Republic of China headed by the deputy of Mr. Liu Jian, the Director General of the international cooperation department, CNIPA.
Our guests were very interested in principle of construction and practical experience of Technology and innovation support centers in Moscow organization of innovators. The chairman of Moscow organization of innovators Mr. Zezyulin told his colleagues about work of the Technology and innovation support centers. Chinese colleagues found a great interest in novelties of scientific and educational CENTER of Moscow organization of innovators in the field of organization of educational seminars for staff members of industrial companies and scientific organizations, as well as the work on the congress and exhibition events on the inventive subject, which is undertaken by Moscow organization of innovators along with International Innovation Club “Archimedes” in Russia and abroad.
The result of this visit was an agreement on fruitful cooperation between our organizations in the inventive scope and patent and license sphere.

The Directorate of the International Innovation Club "Archimedes"
Presidium of Moscow organization of Innovators