Russian inventors won high awards at the Global Invention Forum
Global Invention Forum was held on May 14-15, 2019 in Limassol, Cyprus (at The Grand Hall, Cyprus largest Congress and Exhibition Hall at the Hotel GrandResort Limassol).

The Forum was opened by honered quests Mr. Leonidas Antoniou (Director of Promotion and Advisory Services Unit Re-search and Innovation Foundationof Republic of Cyprus), Mrs. Monika Zikova (the Official Representative of WIPO), Mr. Wu Kou Chen (Chairman of the International Jury),
Mr. MasoudTajbakhsh (the Official Representative of IFIA)
The Forum was organized with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Invest Cyprus, Research & Innovation Foundation, International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA), the International Federation of Inventors Associations and the International Innovation Club "Archimedes".
The exhibition exposition of the Forum was presented by 21 states from Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The forum featured presentations of the best innovative projects presented by inventors from different countries: Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Northern Macedonia, Poland and Russia, which generate great interest among potential investors.
The forum included a discussion on the topic:"The role of inventive and patent-licensing activities in the development of modern high-tech industry”, which participatedin:
- Mrs. Monika Zikova , Senior Program Officer in the World Intellectual Property Organization, Switzerland;
- Mr. Wu Kou Chen , President of International Alliance of Innovation Associations, Taiwan;
- Mrs. Ljiljana Pedišić , President of Croatian Inventors Network, Croatia;
- Mr. Dmitry Zezyulin, Chairman of the International Innovation Club "Archimedes", Executive Committee Member of IFIA, Russia;
- Mr. Mirko Mitić , Executive Director of the Serbian Organization of Inventors Serbia;
- Mr. Alaa Mohamed Hammouda , Advisor for medical and technical supplies and services - UAE; Cultural advisor of Roznameh Publishing House – Switzerland, Egypt;
- Mrs. Andrea Kraśko , Leader Specialist of Promotion Agency INVENTOR, Poland;
- Mrs. Maria Shashkarova, Leader Specialist of Moscow City Organization Of Inventors, Russia.

Participants and guests of the Global Invention Forum in Cyprus
At the Forum Russia was represented by the Kuban Technological University, the Dagestan Medical University, ODK Saturn (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region) and Biokhim LLC (St. Petersburg), which were awarded gold and silver medals by the decision of an International Jury, as well as a special prize from the Croatian network of inventors.
We Congratulate the Russian participants and wish them future victories!

The international innovation club "Archimedes" invites you to take part in the Global Invention Forum as part of the collaborated delegation of Russian inventors and producers of innovative products in October 2020.